
We are a research group on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging. Our background comes from solid-state NMR and low-field instrumentation and we currently develop innovative approaches for real-world applications in various domains of sustainable chemistry and material science, geology and biomedicine.

Since 2017 we moved to the KU Leuven, in Belgium and more specifically we are now members of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and of the cMACS : Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions​ of Surface Science and Catalysis. We are also members of the KU Leuven Institutes SIM2 and LIMNI.

Some history: We used to be part of the Laboratory of Structure and Dynamics by Magnetic Resonance, which is part of the Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation, which belongs to the Direction of Fundamental Research of the French Atomic Energy Comission (C.E.A.) and is located in Saclay / France.